Music Review: WALLA’s Nature EP is electro pop to get you dancing

WALLA is an infectious synth –pop band whose Nature EP, created a phenomenal indie rock EP perfect for the summertime. With their first EP, Animals of Love already under their belt WALLA has secured their footing and their sound into a polished synthy electro pop which will undoubtedly get you moving. The five members of this eclectic indie band morph together the influences of their mother countries (Brazil, Mexico/El Salvador, Italy, Indonesia, Korea) to create music under the time crunch before the time on their student visas run out. But, this race against time has definitely been won with Nature EP.

1) Crazy World

2) Nature

3) No Time

4) Neon Love

The peppy opening track “Crazy World” is an upbeat declaration love that completely hooked me in. Spiraling synth reverb floats underneath the melodic electro pulses that find their way flowing between the tracks on the entire EP.  The vocals, in a high falsetto for the chorus, have a rhythmic feel throughout the verses. It leads to the perfect feel good summer moment, but it’s really the title track “Nature” that pushes the momentum of Nature EP into high gear and is a must listen off of this EP. The energy is electric and shines a spotlight on the passion that drives Nature EP. Hopping guitar riffs, perky synth and excited vocals have had me dancing around my bed room for a good portion of the morning – and I’m not even embarrassed to say so. “Nature” is the cure for any morning blues with its strong dose of peppy electro indie rock.

Just one calming step away from rave music is “No Time”. When the first chorus breaks through all the instrumentation drops down like mist as they sing “There’s no time for anger/no time love” leading to the question what is their time for?  A short mid-section breakdown that utterly grooves near the end of the “No Time” has ‘baby making music’ written all over it until it picks speed back into dance music. “Neon Love” wraps up the four song EP which was released earlier this summer and showcases a chill enthusiasm.   The lead guitarist of this five piece band, who is hilariously only referred to as “Charlie” on the band’s web page,  sets the calmer tone with a delicate lullaby guitar intro before the drums and synth crash through. Lead singer Jonathan Hoonch Kim’s subdued vocals almost whisper with the emotion behind this song of losing love.

Although there are many comparisons to Passion Pit’s Gossamer – it is definitely of the same breed – WALLA’s self-released Nature EP reminds me of one of my favourite bands, Stepdad.  Sugary, energetic mixture of synth and pop melodies combine in the Los Angeles based band, WALLA, to create something that leaves me expectantly waiting for what next they will put out. Folks: With rumors of attending SXSW and Coachella this year,  WALLA is a band to keep your eyes and ears on. (9.2/10)

By: Sarah Thompson

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